Kootenay Crew – Bonaventure Memorial
Today, as we solemnly and reverently mark the 42nd anniversary of the Kootenay explosion and remember our fallen comrades. As I look back over the years at the magnitude and dimensions of that tragedy which left nine dead sailors, 18 children without a father, and wives left to raise their families alone – I note that young children of this crew have now grown up into adulthood and grandchildren have been born to this crew.
That day in 1969 you struggled, were tested hard, and you suffered.
But I would remind you that you should be very proud of what you accomplished that day. Sailors everywhere in the world, not just the Royal Canadian Navy owe you a great debt of gratitude.
You are living legends. You may not believe that when you look at yourselves in the mirror or when you are with your families and friends – but – you are indeed living legends.
Because of you we have safer ships today and that I believe is your enduring legacy from this remarkable story.
I have told you this before.
From this physicians eyes, I do not regard you as victims – you are survivors – and to me there is a world of difference between these two words.
Written by Dr. JJ Homer - October 21, 2011
(Surgeon Lieutenant – RCN – Retired)